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POLICES GRATUITES POUR PC > Les auteurs des polices gratuites > Frappe - Jason Skoog
> Le texte contenu dans les fontes de Frappe - Jason Skoog

Voici les auteurs des fontes gratuites mises en déchargement sur "Les Polices font l' écrit !"
Si une police de caractère vous plait, faites un don aux auteurs ou achetez au moins une police!

Le site frappe n'existe plus !

Site Name: Frappe
Site URL: http:// www. frappe. org
E-mail: guanabaraj (at) aol .com

My fonts are free to download and can be used in the following ways:

-Making graphics for your personal, nonprofit, or commercial website. Although it is not required, I encourage you to e-mail me when you use one of my fonts in a graphic on your website and tell me the address of where it is being used so I can see my font in all of its triumphant glory.

-Giving them away on your website for free. A link back to my website would be nice, but it is not required.

-Making personal or nonprofit items, such as posters promoting your local demolition derby. Scan these treasures and send them my way via e-mail.

-Making commercial items, such as apparel and CDs; however, I ask that you send me a copy of the product using my font if possible. If sending a product is not possible, please send me a picture or make an effort to tell me about the product so I'm aware. Send me an e-mail to inform me about my font being used on a product or to discuss sending me products.

My fonts cannot be used in the following ways:

-You may not sell my fonts in a font collection without my permission. Please keep in mind that I will except something in return for the use of my fonts commercially. Please e-mail me if you want my permission.

-You may not modify my fonts for redistribution.


les fontes de Frappe - Jason Skoog

Le texte contenu dans les fontes Frappe - Jason Skoog


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"Les Polices font l' écrit !"